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Blending the Principles of Credentialing with Real-World Applications: How Does It Work?

  • 14 Apr 2022
  • 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Online


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CNG Virtual Meeting

Blending the Principles of Credentialing with Real-World Applications: How Does It Work? 

Thursday, April 14, 2022
Networking from 8:30 - 9 am CT
Program 9 - 11 am CT

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Event Recording:


This two-hour program (plus networking) explores the central principles surrounding credentialing programs with a real-world scenario/case study and how to put them all together. The program kicks off with a brief level-setting discussion on the best practices in credentialing (from introductory to advanced topics), followed up by small-group discussions on applying these practices to a credentialing program that we all may encounter in our certification worlds. This program focuses heavily on collaboration and small discussions as opposed to a traditional lecture or panel discussions throughout.  

Participants might discuss topics including:

1. What are some challenges you see with the sample organization?

2. With the information provided, does this program seem sustainable in 5 years? 10 years? 

3. With the information provided, what questions would you ask if this organization wanted to go global?

4. What recommendations do you have for this leadership team of this program to address candidates and their concerns about the security of the examinations?


J. David Rozsa, CAE, ICE-CCP, ACA

David Rozsa is the founder and chief executive officer of Metacred, an association management company (AMC) dedicated to developing, managing, and growing the best credentialing programs in the world by bringing the best credentialing practices, staff, vendors, and other resources within the reach of all organizations. Prior to launching Metacred, David led the certification departments of associations representing industries and professions as diverse as clinical research, construction materials, and financial services—consistently turning around growth slumps and enhancing legal defensibility.

David is a Certified Association Executive (CAE), an ICE Certified Credentialing Professional (ICE-CCP), and a certified Advanced Certification Administrator (ACA). Inspired by the Ephebic Oath of the ancient Athenians, which concludes with the words, “I shall leave my city no less, but rather greater, than I found it,” he founded Metacred in 2007 with the mission of developing, managing, and growing the best credentialing programs in the world.

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