EventsCNG events are free for members, and for our guests. Come meet and network with other certification professionals to engage in like-experiences, offer advice, and learn to grow in your certification career. |
How-to networkMake the most of our events with these helpful tips. | Networking starts before the actual meeting.
Connect with people to learn others credentialing experiences.
Don't know what to say? Asking someone about their work, career path, or whether they have attended CNG meetings in the past.
Ask people what challenges they are trying to solve and connect them to the people with the answers.
You're passionate about what you do, let others know.
Have them readily available when you arrive. Otherwise, make your own at home or share it via NameDrop.
Fully engage in the conversation you're in. No need to look for the next (or better) person to talk.
Newer to networking and the industry? Attend with the goal of making personal connections/relationships.
Your uniqueness is welcomed and appreciated.
Thank you to these organizations for providing meeting space for both DC and Chicago events: |
CNG invites certification professionals to share presentations that may have been given at other Certification events. If you are interested in having the event presented to our members, please read the guidelines.
*Please note that CNG virtual events are recorded and posted publicly. We may also post photos from in-person events. The Certification Network Group (CNG) reserves the right to use any photograph/videography taken at any CNG event without further notification. **Photographs and/or video with your likeness may be used within CNG print and electronic materials, including but not limited to brochures, the CNG website, and the CNG LinkedIn Group. By registering for and/or attending a CNG event, you agree to permit CNG to use photographs and/or video featuring your likeness at CNG’s sole discretion. |