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Upcoming events

    • 14 Aug 2024
    • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • 111 South Wacker 29th Floor Conference Center Chicago, IL 60606

    CNG Chicago In-Person Event

    Hear From the Experts

    Lessons Learned from Common Pitfalls
    Encountered in Credentialing Programs

    August 14, 2024
    1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Central Time

    111 South Wacker
    29th Floor Conference Center
    , IL 60606


    Our moderator will lead the expert panel through a series of interesting topics applicable to a variety of roles and all levels of experience in credentialing programs. We’ll tackle the key themes that align with roles in Governance and Operations, Test Administration, and Assessment Development and Delivery, covering the range of experiences and common pitfalls encountered in credentialing programs. This session will set you on the right track to avoid the dreaded “credentialing program traps”. 

    Join us and share your  “common pitfalls” stories!

    1:00 – 1: 15 pm: Arrivals and networking
    1:15 – 1:30 pm: Welcome & Sponsor Presentations
    1:30 – 2:30 pm: Panel discussions
    2:30 – 2:45 pm: Break
    2:45 – 3:30 pm: Resume panel discussion
    3:30 4:00 pm: Announcements and closing remarks


    Kate Kahoa,  Senior Psychometrician -  PSI

    Panel Members

    Tara McNaughton,  Associate VP Psychometrics and Assessment – American Osteopathic Association

    Eileen Odonnell, Project Manager – Dental Assisting National Board

    Willaim “Bill” Seifarth, Executive Director, CEO – National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians

    Tara  Whittington, Director of Marketing - National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators

Past events

12 Jun 2024 CNG D.C. In-Person Session: Panel Discussion – Credential Value Creation
08 May 2024 CHICAGO IN-PERSON EVENT: Revenue Driving Learning Strategies
13 Mar 2024 CNG Virtual Session – Beyond the Numbers: a Psychometric Q & A
14 Feb 2024 CNG Virtual Session – New Year, More Questions
06 Dec 2023 CNG D.C. In-Person Session: Panel Discussion - Aspects of a Healthy Item Bank
15 Nov 2023 CNG Chicago Virtual Event: Let’s Continue the DE&I Conversation!
20 Sep 2023 CNG D.C. In-Person Session: Legal Analysis of AI and Beyond
16 Aug 2023 IN-PERSON EVENT: CNG Chicago Roundtable Event
21 Jun 2023 IN-PERSON EVENT: Generative AI
17 May 2023 IN-PERSON EVENT: How do credentialing organizations enhance their value to the professions they serve?
29 Mar 2023 Using a Competency Model to Ensure Minimal Competency when Recertifying Certification Holders
15 Feb 2023 The Ohio Remote Proctoring Room Scan Decision: Constitutional Issues and How Testing Bodies Can Avoid Legal Entanglements
14 Dec 2022 Holiday Roundtable Event
07 Dec 2022 Constant Vigilance (Virtual Session)
28 Sep 2022 Career Paths to Credentialing (IN-PERSON OR ONLINE)
31 Aug 2022 Credential As You Go Initiative
13 Jul 2022 How being intentional with your SME program affects your exam
25 May 2022 Multi–modal Test Delivery – Considerations and Implementation
14 Apr 2022 Blending the Principles of Credentialing with Real-World Applications: How Does It Work?
30 Mar 2022 The Importance of Governance Boards and Selecting Public Members
09 Feb 2022 Should your association develop a microcredential? Questions to answer and a case study
01 Dec 2021 CNG Virtual Event - Credentialing and Accessibility: Exploring Ways to Incorporate Accessibility into Your Credentialing Programs
27 Oct 2021 CNG Virtual Event: Ways to Approach and Develop Your Organization’s Value Proposition
22 Sep 2021 September 22, 2021 CNG Virtual Meeting
29 Jun 2021 June 29, 2021 CNG Virtual Meeting
05 May 2021 May 5th, 2021 Chicago CNG Virtual Meeting
25 Mar 2021 Welcoming Environments® In The Association World: A Data Driven Assessment of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
21 Jan 2021 Getting the Most Mileage Out of Your Social Media Content
15 Dec 2020 Building Championship Caliber Board Teams
07 Oct 2020 How Credentials Can Close the COVID Divide
31 Jul 2020 Managing a Crisis—Lessons Learned from COVID-19
17 Jun 2020 Managing During Disruption: How Certification Organizations are Retaining and Growing Business
26 Feb 2020 Planning and Facilitating Your Credential Program Meetings
19 Feb 2020 The Future of Work - (Event is not affiliated with CNG.)
04 Dec 2019 New and Small Certification Programs
13 Nov 2019 Chicago Quarterly Meeting: Maintenance of Credentials
11 Sep 2019 CNG September Washington, D.C. Event: Maintenance of Certification Panel Discussion
07 Aug 2019 Micro Credentialing: The whats, the hows and the future
12 Jun 2019 CNG June Washington, D.C. Event
15 May 2019 Luncheon Announcement: Special Invitation for the CNG Member
15 May 2019 The Life-Cycle of Exam Items from Conception to Retirement
27 Mar 2019 CNG March D.C. Event
27 Feb 2019 Certification Network Group (CNG) Chicago Quarterly Meeting
05 Dec 2018 CNG Roundtable Event
14 Nov 2018 CNG Open Space
12 Sep 2018 How the Shortage in Qualified Workers is Impacting Credentialing
08 Aug 2018 Mini-Learning Sessions on Credentialing Program Security
20 Jun 2018 CNG D.C. Event: A Robust Update on Legal Topics Concerning Certification Programs
16 May 2018 Opportunity in Adversity: How Challenges in Healthcare Certification Fuel Innovation
21 Mar 2018 How the Shortage in Qualified Workers is Impacting Credentialing
28 Feb 2018 Contextual Assessment: Games as evidence of competency

(c), 2016
Certification Network Group   P.O. Box 101451 Arlington, VA 22201

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