CNG is aware that there are a number of events offered by organizations that focus on certification and/or credentialing. If you are interested in having the event presented to CNG members, please follow the guidelines below to post your event on our LinkedIn Group.
This CNG LinkedIn group is a place for certification/credentialing organizations to post information about upcoming programs that may be of interest to CNG members. The CNG LinkedIn group is not intended for promoting or selling products. CNG may flag a post as inappropriate if they believe the post is unprofessional in tone or too promotional. Posts may be removed if they are deemed unprofessional or violate the rules of this group.
The following information must be included in your event post:
The event must be open to the public and be educational in nature. The topic of the event must be related to the certification/credentialing industry. Do not post events that promote products. CNG reserves the right to remove posts. If you have any questions, please email:
The educational program may not cover the same content or conflict with an upcoming CNG event (roundtable events are exceptions).
Your organization may post no more than two programs on the CNG LinkedIn space annually.
As a reciprocal arrangement, your organization will permit CNG to post educational programs on your website or LinkedIn group in kind.
Your organization agrees to the above conditions for placing your program information on the CNG LinkedIn page.
This presentation and any opinions expressed therein are not created, sponsored, contributed to, or endorsed by the Certification Network Group. The presenters are fully responsible for its content. By posting the announcement of the program, the Certification network Group is not providing or endorsing advice and nothing in this presentation should be construed otherwise.
Effective June 2, 2022 CNG welcomes your likes, shares, posts and comments. This public forum is maintained as a resource for productive, informative, civil, and respectful discourse.
We look for you to: Keep it friendly and positive.
We are here to support one another as we deepen our skills in our profession.
Stay focused on our core values. CNG’s purpose is to provide networking and professional development for credentialing professionals. Keep your posts focused on CNG’s programs, your professional growth, or industry-wide events and programming.
Please do not promote your business, sell items, or conduct business in our community. If you would like to promote an event and are unsure if it falls within our guidelines, please contact us at
CNG monitors this professional forum and inappropriate content may be removed at CNG’s sole discretion. Examples of inappropriate content for this forum include:
We ask that you abide by our social media policy when posting to LinkedIn. Thank you.